Convert App Users to Subscribers with One Tap

Mailing Lists are the secret sauce to connect with your mobile users and convert tire-kickers to customers. InApp Mailing Lists lets you embed an email capture button in your app with 1 line of code.

App screenshot

InApp Mailing Lists is currently in closed beta

To get notified when more places open up, or hear about the launch, leave your email here.

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

My Mailing List platform has an API. Can't I use that?
Most mailing list platform APIs are designed for web servers to use. One side effect of this is that they're too powerful. In particular, they provide the ability to download all registered email addresses. This makes it very dangerous to distribute the API keys in a mobile app.
I don’t see my mailing list platform in your list. Can you add it?
Absolutely! The list of supported platforms is growing all the time, and nothing moves a new platform up the list faster than a potential customer.
I don’t currently have a mailing list. Can I start capturing email addresses?
Yes. Even without a connected mailing list platform you can download the email addresses of people who sign up. Additionally, if you add a mailing list in the future, you can automatically register email addresses that have been already captured.
Can I customise the UI?
Yes. The UI is essentially an example of how to use the API. You can use it as is, modify it as you wish, or replace it entirely.
Can I change my Mailing List platform in the future?
Yes you can. What’s more, all captured email addresses can be uploaded to the new mailing list platform.